Annie is something special.  Her lineage come from top National field champions and Field Champions in past 20 years.  When she is working she real shows her natural bred abilities in the marsh and the field. She possesses a  ability to locate game in the thickest hunting cover. while displaying  confidence and purpose with  speed and heart. Defining her as the best all-round gun dog. Annie shows the heart and desire of her champion lineage and is a truly family loving animal that takes away your heart when resting in the home.



River is a tremendous competitor brings together many of the top producing lines in American and English Field Trail history. His sire Grand  2x NFC  CFC AFC Rockey’s Solo. The decision to breed Annie and River is one of incredible excitement and anticipation. Bringing together a total numerous national field trial champions and National field champions in there pedigree. With the genetic natural ability bred in. Along with a calm demeanor they have a well balance of top notch gundogs along with the family companion.


top outstanding field trial performers in this breeding.
NFC NAFC CNFC CNAFC  Blackrivers Tanner
 FTCH NFTC Lady Caramel
NAFC CFC Stonnington expressway marshal
2x NFC  CFC AFC Rockey’s Solo.
FC AFC FTCH AFTCH Narvin’s Sully of Ivanhoe
FC AFC Stonningtons cut to the chase


Both parents are genetic tested by Embark and are clear of 220 genetic markers.


phone 413-642-5001

cell 413-207-2298