Do some research and locate the breeding and training facilities that specialize in you selected breed. Talk to breeders who specialize in having the hunting bloodlines of your chosen sporting dog. Dogs that come from proven hunting bloodlines are the solid foundation to having a dog that is able to cut the mustard and become a great gundog. Look for someone that has developed a strain of dogs that show the characteristics that will satisfy all of your needs. Many times you will find a kennel or a person’s name that comes up frequently during your search in your local area. Chances are that kennel or person is well qualified, and should be added to the top of your prospect list. Inquire as to the characteristics that they have developed in their strain of gundogs. This will give you a better idea if that breeder has the style of dog that will satisfy your needs. Should you stumble upon a hunter with a fine gundog, certainly ask who and where he purchased his gundog. Additionally, many quality professional breeders will know others who may have the specific sporting dog breed you desire.
Should you have difficulty locating a qualified breeder in your area, don’t be apprehensive to look into other regions of the U.S. With all of the strict regulations today, flying a puppy to a client is a safe and simple task. Most professional breeders do transport puppies to clients across the United States. However, it is a standard policy that you, the client, will have to pick up the shipping charges.
Be advised that once you find a breeder you may have to take a ticket and get in line. Many of the top professional breeders have deposits on their upcoming litter of pups way before they are ready to travel to their new homes. This case is especially true if you want to get a female puppy. Be prepared to have to wait for your new pup to arrive. However be patient, it is well worth the wait in the long-term investment end of things. Top quality gundogs start with their genetic background and build from there.
Naturally, the time of the year that you get your new gundog prospect has some bearing as to when you will be able to get out and enjoy the outdoor sport with your new partner. The ideal time to get a pup is any time from October through to March. Flushing dogs that travel to their new homes during this time frame have a fairly good chance of being hunted over in the upcoming bird season. Naturally, they must have the proper schooling beforehand to prepare them for the upcoming season. Those pups that go to their new homes after March stand little chance of making the grade in time for the next bird season. This is simply due to the dog’s young age; naturally some sacrifices may be needed if you wait to get in a special litter that you desire.
Well, the time has come to make the trip out to the breeder to choose your new hunting partner. It is time for you to decide which pup is the right one for your needs. They all look so cute and cuddly and give you that “take me home expression” that all puppies have. To help the process along, you should have selected your gender preference earlier. Most breeders will ask you to make this decision at the time of placing your deposit on the litter of pups.
Ask the breeder to remove all of the opposite gender from the whelping box. This will help to narrow things down quite a bit. First and foremost take some time and discuss the remaining pups over with your breeder. Explain to them what you are looking for in a gundog and family companion. Remember, they have spent seven weeks with these pups socializing and watching their behavior patterns. You are only spending an hour or so with the pups. The breeder should be able to shed some more light on each pup for you to make your final decision. The pup that stays in the corner sleeping while all the others are running around very well could be the one suited for you! That youngster may be overtired from earlier roughhousing or possibly could have overeaten from it’s recent feeding. Ask the breeder to suggest which of the pups from the litter might be suited for your specific needs. Naturally, by all means make sure that the appearance of the pup is satisfying to you, as well.
Many folks will let the pup choose them! A pup may come over wanting to be with you instead of investigating other activities that are going on in the area. The pup that shows he has that “want to be with you attitude” can be an easier one to handle. Others will show a very independent and outgoing attitude. These pups can tend to be just that when they mature and come of age. Those pups will require more of a watchful eye and a firmer hand while being trained. One test that I like to do once I have narrowed thing down is to roll the pup over on his back. Place a hand on his belly holding him down. The pup that fight frantically trying to get over onto his feet will tend to be strong headed, bold and a very independent dog. That will be the difficult one to train and could require someone that has some experience to school him. This type of outgoing personality can tend to be too much dog for the average person.
You will find that some pups will struggle to get over and onto their feet but after a few seconds settle down and accept the fact that they must remain restrained on their backs. These pups show some independence however, also show that they will accept training. Others will just accept the fact that this is the way things will be and it is okay with them. Both these pups that accept this test should be flushing dogs that will take correction and training fairly well with little retribution.
Other folks will additionally choose to do a final test and check to see how the pup will respond to a live clipped winged pigeon. This test will only show those in the litter that are more dominate and courageous in personality than others. It is very difficult to choose a pup solely on the live pigeon exam. Things may change dramatically as these pups mature. However, the format laid out above in conjunction with the live pigeon test should stack the deck in your favor on picking your new prospect.
Once you have selected your new family companion and gundog prospect, spend some additional time with your breeder and get some solid do’s and don’t about starting your new pup off on the right foot. It will be especially helpful gaining good advice for those who are getting a pup as a family companion as well as a gundog. Good luck shopping!
About the Author: David Krassler is a native New Englander, who resides in the Berkshire Mountain Range of western Massachusetts. David has owned and operated Citari Kennel since 1985. Together, David offer clients an impressive 35 years of professional breeding and training experience. As a professional trainer, active seminarist, and a member of the New England Outdoor Writers Association, David consistently strives to take the mystery out of the training and breeding top performing field dogs.